


latuza kaimin mas tacini tu Sasbinaz Dihanin, saia hai kai-uni at saipuk bunun mas iskakaupa tu minihumis. Saia hai taisbananin mas tastu dalah dihanin tu Sasbinaz,mapavaz masial mas makuang mas sidangkaz. Isaicia uvaz hai,siamas Sele mapakasia ilumahang tu Malia pataus uvaz min bunun,min-uni imita tu tas-an, siamas sidangdaz bunun tu Iesu kilistu,cis-uni pihdiun saia, patuhtuhan sia ziuzika mataz. mingna mihumis,mapasadu mas itu Sasbinaz Dihanin tu daidaz mas mahtu kata muhna pakasial mas Sasbinaz Dihanin isaicia tamasaz, siamas isaicia tu Sele hai katsia mitancin. masaiv tamasaz, at mahtuin kata isia tastu dalah cin tatahu bunun mas isaicia tu sinkuzakuza sau sia muhna Sasbinaz min-suma. latuza kaimin tu, patasansing hai itu Sasbinaz Dihanin tu sintahu, mapatas mas isaicia tu sinsidangkaz. pin-uni imita tu sinlatuza mas sin-ihumis tu kanadan. latuza kaimin tu, kiukai hai itu Sasbinaz Dihanin mudinun tu uvavaz. sibinsahun tu namapishaiap itu Iesu Kilistu tu sinsidangkaz. na-asa mapakasial tu iskakalunan, sain hai isia tastu dalahcin, isia katdan tu dalah cin. antala iskaupakaupa tu bunun. mapaka sia daidaz mas pihdiun, min-uni aikas-angan tu sinpanghal. latuza kaimin tu, bunun hai cis-uni Sasbinaz Dihanin tu sinpumazav at malaskahna, laduazuna inulivan, at maku-uni maisna isang tu sinanisnis, daidaz mas matatbus ana-anak mapitaishang Sasbinaz Dihanin. latuza kaimin tu, bunun hai saivas Sasbinaz Dihanin mas mashing, hansiap sinmas katdan tu dalah, pin-amun saicia pakauni, mapisial saipuk tastu dalah cin. pahasia, aizan kata mas asang, sasaipuk sinmas pababaliv tu dailaz. aizan amin mas vaivivaivi tu taiklas sinmas kikilim mamantuk tu is-ang. haitu aizan bunun mas inulivan, mapuliva mas sinsaiv cin, mapinkuang itu bunun, tastu dalah minihumis mas Sasbinaz Dihanin tu inuskunan. pahasia, asa bunun tu sisdang mas itu Iesu Kilistu tu sinsidangkaz. saia hai napaisna sia inulivan sidangkaz bunun, sapditan hai namin malisvala, saszangang, isia kilistu min bahlu tu bunun, tastu dalah hai min-uni isaicia tu saipukun, utmuzan mas mamantu kmapiszang, malisvala sinmas malinaskal. Amen 


















We believe in God, the only true God, the Creator and Ruler of human beings and all things. He is the Lord of history and of the world. He judges and saves. His Son Jesus Christ, the Saviour of humankind, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born a man of the Virgin Mary and became our brother. Through His suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection He manifested God's love and justice, and through Him we are reconciled to God. His Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, dwells among us, and grants us power, so that we may bear witness among all peoples until the Lord comes again.

We believe that the Bible is revealed by God, the record of His redemption and the norm of our faith and life.

We believe that the Church is the fellowship of God's people, called to proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ and to be ambassador of reconciliation. It is both universal and rooted in this land, identifying with all its inhabitants, and through love and suffering becoming the sign of hope. We believe that through the grace of God, human beings are brought to repentance, their sin forgiven, that they may glorify God through lives of devotion, love and dedication.

We believe that God has given human beings dignity, talents and a homeland, so that they may share in God's creation, and have responsibility with Him for taking care of the world. Therefore, they have social, political and economic systems, arts and sciences, and a spirit which seeks after the true God. But human beings have sinned, and they misuse these gifts, destroying the relationship between themselves, all creatures, and God.

Therefore, they must depend on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. He will deliver humankind from sin, will set the oppressed free and make them equal, that all may become new creatures in Christ, and the world His Kingdom, full of justice, peace and joy.

This translation, based on the original Romanized Taiwanese text authorized by the 32nd General Assembly, was officially adopted by the General Assembly Faith and Order Committee on10 January 1986.